The AU Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesInterdisciplinary Studies

Education that draws on insights from multiple disciplines

Interdisciplinary Studies gives you a rounded approach to learning that combines critical analysis of multiple disciplines. Take advantage of our flexible learning and explore your options in this fascinating field.

We offer online undergraduate courses in several diverse areas, as well as certificates and degrees. We also offer graduate-level studies in:

  • distance education
  • interdisciplinary studies
  • heritage resources management

Training for distance educators

At Athabasca University, we are experts in providing distance education—and we want to help you become one, too. Learn how to make the most of your distance teaching experience with our online graduate and professional learning programs.

Undergraduate subject areas

Our undergraduate programs and courses give you exposure to a wide variety of topics. Explore your interests with our online courses in:

If you are interested in Labour Studies or Women’s and Gender Studies, you can choose these areas of study as a major or minor for your Bachelor of Arts degree.

Master of Arts – Interdisciplinary Studies

We are the home of the Master of Arts – Interdisciplinary Studies, a unique program that allows you to study across the arts, humanities, and social sciences. We offer 12 focus areas that allow you to tailor your program to fit your interests.

Graduate Diploma in Heritage Resources Management

Our Graduate Diploma in Heritage Resources Management program prepares students to become heritage practitioners and work towards the conservation and management of public trust resources.

What it’s like to study in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

An interdisciplinary education that includes courses and experiences in a broad range of areas allows you to see connections across fields of study. It also builds practical professional skills like analyzing and synthesizing information, communicating, explaining, and creating.

More about student life

Learn more about Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

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