2016 Recipients

Dr. Terry Anderson Portrait

Dr. Terry Anderson

On Thursday, June 9, Dr. Terry Anderson was inducted into the Order of Athabasca University in recognition of his leadership in distance education and his contributions to scholarship and research at Athabasca University. A prolific researcher, Anderson has received widespread international recognition for his work, including the prestigious Mildred B. and Charles A. Wedemeyer Excellence in Distance Education Award. As AU’s first Canada Research Chair (2001-11) he provided exceptional leadership in the Centre for Distance Education, supporting the scholarship of teaching, promoting research in online learning and being a major catalyst to the establishment of the university’s first doctoral program, the Doctor of Education in Distance Education. He was a co-founder of AU’s social network (the Landing), a co-founder of The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning and a main proponent of the formation of AU Press as an open access press and of AU’s current open access policy.

Mr. Barry J. Walker Initials

Mr. Barry J. Walker

On Friday, June 10, Mr. Barry Walker was inducted into the Order of Athabasca University in recognition of his leadership and his outstanding dedication to Athabasca University during his 10-year term as a public member of the Board of Governors (2004-14), including five years as Board chair (2009-14). During his tenure, he also chaired the Board’s Audit Committee and Finance Committee and served as a member of the Executive Committee and the Human Resources Committee. A chartered accountant, Walker has worked with clients in the Athabasca area since the 1960s, and his firm, Peterson Walker LLP, established a permanent office in the town in 1985. He watched AU grow with interest, and he and his wife Valerie took AU courses out of interest and for professional development. In addition to his participation on the Board and on Board committees, Walker dedicated countless hours to representing AU to the Government of Alberta and to Campus Alberta, to supporting the Open Our World Campaign and to chairing or contributing to executive search and reappointment committees. In 2012, he and his wife established the Walker Family Awards in support of AU students in accounting and child and youth counselling.

Updated October 03, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (web_services@athabascau.ca)