2013 Recipients

Albert and Pirkko Karvonen Portrait

Albert and Pirkko Karvonen

On Friday, June 7, 2013, Albert and Pirkko Karvonen was inducted into the Order of Athabasca University in recognition of their contributions to environmental conservation and natural history education in Alberta and their support of Science Outreach – Athabasca. Their company, Karvonen Films Ltd., founded in 1976, specialized in natural history films for television and the educational market and was one of Canada’s premier providers of wildlife images and stock photography to worldwide markets. Karvonen Films Ltd. was sold to the Alberta Conservation Association, a non-profit organization, in November 2011.

Mr. Brian Curial Portrait

Mr. Brian Curial

On Saturday, June 8, 2013, Brian Curial was inducted into the Order of Athabasca University in recognition of his outstanding support of AU during his six-year term as a member of the Board of Governors (2006-12), during which time he chaired the Governance Committee and served as Board vice-chair (2010). He continues to contribute to AU through his work on the Law School Advisory Panel and through his advice on governance issues facing the post-secondary sector. A corporate commercial lawyer, Curial is a partner in the Edmonton office of Miller Thomson.

Updated October 03, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (web_services@athabascau.ca)