2008 Recipients

Athabasca Advocacy Group Initials

Athabasca Advocacy Group

On Friday, June 13, 2008 Members of the Athabasca Advocacy Group were inducted into the Order of Athabasca in recognition of their efforts on behalf of Athabasca University resulting in the mobilization of the entire Athabasca community in a concerted effort to obtain funding from the Provincial Government for our capital expansion. The funding received shows a renewed commitment by the Provincial Government in our institution, as well as rural Alberta in general, and is largely due to the efforts of this group. Athabasca Advocacy Group members included Brian W. Bachynski, Jeff Johnson, Robert (Bob) A. Splane, Brian Donald Hall, Greg Skoreyko, Trevor Martin, Dermod C. Madden, Noel H. Major, Richard A. Verhaeghe, Timothy A. Verhaeghe, James Leonard Woodward, Bob Demcoe, Michael Voisin, Della McLean.

Mr. David J. Burnett Portrait

Mr. David J. Burnett

On Saturday, June 14, 2008 Mr. David J. Burnett was inducted into the Order of Athabasca University in recognition of his hard work, focus, and dedication to Athabasca University during his service as both a Member, and subsequently as Chair, of Athabasca University Governing Council. Mr. Burnett was first appointed to Governing Council on November 1, 2000 as a Public Member, and was appointed as Chair on May 10, 2004. Under his leadership; the University underwent a transition from unicameral to bicameral governance, developed and approved a new Strategic University Plan, and experienced unprecedented growth in student population. The benefits of Mr. Burnett’s hard work and dedication to Athabasca University will be felt by our institution for many years to come.

Updated October 03, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (web_services@athabascau.ca)