Staff - internal and external funding

If this is your first time using the Research Portal, or if you haven’t used it for a while, please read the following important information before beginning your application:

You will need to create a Research Portal account to use the portal.

  • Save your application frequently (at a minimum, as you complete each tab).
  • Don’t use the back button in your browser – it will not work.
  • Compose longer text responses in Notepad or TextEdit, then copy and paste into the Research Portal.
  • Don’t paste from a word processing program as your text won’t appear the way you expect.
  • If you are unable to complete your application in a single session you will be able to find it again in the Principal Investigator section of your home page, under Applications: Drafts.


Internal funding

This page gives detailed instructions on how to create and submit your application for internal funding.

If you have questions during the application process, you can contact

Submitting your internal funding application

  1. Log into the Research Portal.
  2. Select APPLY NEW in the upper-right corner. Portal Home Page screenshot
  3. Select the application you wish to complete from the list provided.
  4. Review the application’s tabs and subtabs. Make note of the tabs that will require a longer response, as you should compose those responses in Notepad or TextEditor, then paste them into the portal.
  5. Enter the project title, start and end dates of your project, and specific keywords in the Project Info tab. You do not need to fill in the Related Certifications section.
    • Tip: You can select keywords from the list provided, or type your own in the box. Be sure to click the Add button for each keyword. Add project keywordss
  6. Go to the Project Team Info tab. Your information should appear in the Principal Investigator (PI) section.
  7. If you have additional team members, add them in the Other Project Member Info section. Do not add your supervisor or dean as a team member.
    1. Click the Add New button in the Other Project Member Info section. Project members screenshot
    2. Click the Search Profiles button. Always use this button to add team members. Do not manually enter names. Search profiles screenshot
    3. Search for your team member by first or last name, or by browsing the full list. Click the Select button to add a team member to your application. If you can’t find a profile for the team member you need to add, contact Investigator list screenshot
    4. You will now see the team member’s profile displayed. Click the down arrow in the Role in Project field to select the team member’s role. You must assign each team member a role in the project. Project team member screenshot
    5. Click the Save button.
    6. Repeat the process for each team member.
  8. Skip the Project Sponsor tab. The Research Office will complete this tab for you.
  9. Go to the Application Form tab. You will find a number of subtabs. Be sure to complete them all, scrolling down to the bottom of each tab to be sure you’ve answered all the questions. Save after each subtab.
  10. Use the Attachments tab to upload required documents.
    • See the Checklist subtab in the Application Form tab for a list. Internal funding checklist button screenshot
    • The Attachments tab also includes templates for certain forms. Please use these when they are available.
  11. The Approvals tab shows who will receive the application for review.
    • If you are a professional staff member applying to the Academic and Professional Development Fund, find your supervisor’s name in the Other Approvals list, and click the checkbox to the left of the name. Be sure to save. Supervisor approval screenshot
    • If you are faculty or applying to another fund, you don’t need to do anything on this tab.
  12. If you don’t see the Errors tab, you can click the Submit button to submit your application.
  13. You will receive an email confirming that your application has been successfully submitted.
  14. You can keep track of the progress of your application through the Logs tab. You don’t need to provide any information on this tab.
    • Please note that once your application has been submitted, it will be located under Applications: Under Review in the Principal Investigator section of your home page.

You should receive the results of your internal funding application within 4 weeks of the application deadline.

Application deadlines

For more information about application deadlines, please visit the following pages:

Funding for academics and professionals Graduate student funding

External funding


All external funding applications must receive department and institutional approval prior to submission to the funder. You must apply for this approval by completing the Funding Agency Application Checklist in the Research Portal. This page will show you how.

You should also review application and deadline info before you begin your application.

If you have questions during the application process, you can contact

Submitting your funding agency application checklist

  1. Log into the Research Portal.
  2. Select APPLY NEW in the upper-right corner. Research Portal apply new
  3. Select Funding Agency Application Checklist from the list provided.
  4. Enter the project title and start and end dates of your project in the Project Info tab and keywords. You do not need to fill in the Related Certifications section.
  5. Skip the Project Team Info and Project Sponsor Info tabs. The Research Office will complete these tabs for you.
  6. Go to the Funding Agency Application Checklist tab. You will find a number of subtabs. Be sure to complete them all, scrolling down to the bottom of each tab to be sure you’ve answered all the questions. Save after each subtab.
  7. Use the Attachments tab to upload required documents (see the Checklist subtab in the Funding Agency Application Checklist tab for a list). Checklist
  8. The Approvals tab shows who will receive the application for review. You don’t need to do anything on this tab.
  9. If you don’t see the Errors tab, you can click the Submit button.
  10. A comments box will now appear. You must type something in this box to proceed with submission. For example: “For Review” or “For Approval”.
  11. Click the Submit button to finish submitting your application.
  12. You will receive an email confirming that your application has been successfully submitted.
  13. You can keep track of the progress of your application through the Logs tab. You don’t need to provide any information on this tab.
    • Please note that once your application has been submitted, it will be located under Applications: Under Review in the Principal Investigator section of your home page.

Application deadlines

Faculty and staff

Review the faculty external award funding calendar to confirm internal and external deadlines. Internal peer review is available if you submit your penultimate draft at least 6 weeks prior to the funder's deadline. Grantsmanship mentoring is available if you submit your final draft at least 3 weeks prior to the funder’s deadline.

Graduate students

Review the graduate student external award funding calendar to confirm AU and external deadlines. You must submit your final draft through the Research Portal at least 5 working days before the funder’s deadline.

Updated June 29, 2022 by Digital & Web Operations (