Program-Based Criteria Table
University Certificate in Labour Studies
Learning Summary Template(1 of 17) Systematic and clear argument | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Makes basic arguments & factual statements in an orderly manner | Can present materials of some complexity in clear & understand able form | Draws upon a wide range of evidence & practical back-ground to create detailed yet clear proposals & arguments | Presents advanced levels of argument in thorough, accessible & convincing form | Shows exemplary ability to advance sophisticated & persuasive materials in an inspiring & engaging manner |
(2 of 17) Awareness of premises, presuppositions as well as crucial, key, central components of arguments | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Can explain how conflict arises from the different positions of labour, management and ownership in society | Enters debates, arguments, negotiations & other labour related conflictual settings with basic insights into procedures & methods of solving those conflicts in labour's interest | Has achieved a sufficient level of understanding of background & context to employ that understanding routinely & systematically | Can explain to others how foundational elements of the discipline relate to each other, & can illustrate their meaning & relative importance with examples | Exhibits sophisticated, well-balanced & insightful comprehension of the full range of foundation material relevant to the discipline |
(3 of 17) Awareness of conflictual components of argument for labour's position | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Can outline underpinning arguments or positions and tell why issues exist, where they came from (sources) & some ideas upon which they are based | Shows some advancing level of complex & well-argued positions related to labour studies based on increasingly thorough research and/or experience | Shows some understanding of purposive uses of conflict & resolution by labour in relation to its position in society & the economy | Exhibits evidence of refined understanding & adept use of conflictual relationships to advance labour's course in society | Shows advanced understanding of role of conflictual relationships employed by labour unions & the labour movement toward constructive goal-seeking in society |
(4 of 17) Understanding of need for organized & collective approaches to issues | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Understands & can describe most common elements of organized & collective approach to labour related issues | Understands basic implications of reasons for collective over individualistic approaches to labour-related problems & issues | Is able to compare, contrast & argue relative merits of group versus individualistic approaches to labour related issues, problems, conditions & situations | Shows insights into motivations, structures, relationships & forces at work, inherent in successful organized, collective approaches to problems & issues of labour | Grasps at an advanced & complex level, the advantages & reasoning behind collective problem solving & ensures resolution |
(5 of 17) Demonstrates leadership in labour & related organizations | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Is elected or chosen for leadership positions on some occasions | Illustrates readiness for leadership roles through study & activity at levels of increasing responsibility in labour & related organizations | Shows leadership potential & is selected for these roles on frequent occasions, in relation to issues & problems of moderate difficulty or complexity | Demonstrates systematic & authentic leadership in roles in a variety of labour & related organizations | Known as reliable leadership resource on many levels, & is elected or appointed for key leadership roles in relation to complex, difficult or otherwise challenging issues |
(6 of 17) Exhibits skills in problem-solving & planning | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Exhibits basic planning & problem solving abilities & insights | Engages in study & other preparation for roles in labour related planning & problem solving activities | Usually shows sound planning & problem solving abilities | Can be depended upon to successfully plan for & solve problems & resolve issues in efficient & democratic manner | Systematically & thoroughly solves problems & engages in successful planning in dependable disciplined & innovative ways |
(7 of 17) Ability to express self verbally | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Basic ability to express self verbally on topics related to labour issues, in meetings and elsewhere | Increasing capacity in speaking in public, in meetings & in skilled communications in person | Expresses self verbally in understandable, thorough ways, useful in labour related settings | Advanced skills in verbal presentation & exchange in labour-related activities | Inspiring & engaging speaker in one-to-one as well as large conference settings |
(8 of 17) Ability to express self in writing | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Writes at an orderly & understandable level | Skilled presentation in writing of materials useful to labour-related organizations with little supervision or editing required | Routinely & dependably produces appropriate written work (letters, documents, leaflets, etc.) for labour related organizations | Polished & persuasive in writing in terms appropriate to the audience in labour related organizations | Outstanding skills in writing engaging, thorough & convincing materials related to labour |
(9 of 17) Current background information in field | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Exhibits basic knowledge of field of labour studies & labour relations | Demonstrates interest in, & product of some reading & research beyond basic levels in the field | Shows some insight into cause & effect relationships, as well as detailed knowledge in some parts of the field | Shows evidence of complex & sophisticated approach to theory & practice in the field | Shows thorough, complete, detailed & insightful knowledge of field |
(10 of 17) Understands labour's interest in society | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Shows evidence of understanding basic facts & motives behind labour's stances & practices | Exhibits comprehension of some of the complexities, problems & opportunities for labour in society | Can explain why labour occupies the positions it holds in society, & how those positions lead to particular practices | Poses questions, dilemmas & insights regarding labour leading to useful, productive work & discussion in the field | Exhibits reasoned & complex insight into interests of labour in society, & how these interests are exercised |
(11 of 17) Has practical experience in labour union work | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Shows evidence of some experience at a beginning level in labour union work beyond basic membership | Growing commitment to labour union & labour movement activities, showing evidence of some study & research as well as practical measures | Takes an active part in labour union activities, including committee, elected &/or appointed positions | Exhibits evidence of practical knowledge in a considerable range of union activities from membership, official & voluntary roles to advocacy & representation beyond one's own local | Has wealth of knowledge & insight growing from a lengthy, engaged & active position in labour unions & the labour movement generally |
(12 of 17) Has practical experience in community development &/or environmental, ecological or other related consciousness raising & solidarity organizations | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Acts upon a fundamental understanding of the connection between & among labour and other broad movement organizations | Has significant background in labour &/or related people's & democratic organizations working for the common good | Practical & successful activity that engages labour & related organizations in useful coalitions, co-operative & collaborative work & public influence | Takes action in studied & innovative ways to advance the cause of labour together with other movement & solidarity organizations & their members | Advanced & sophisticated practical experience in labour, broad movement &/or solidarity organizations, showing appreciation of context, influence & convincing ideas related to that practice |
(13 of 17) Awareness of arguments around policy formation, change, resistance, democratic process & implementation | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Understands basic and common facts of policy sources & development, as well as effects | Thorough & systematic approach to understanding policy & processes surrounding it, as well as how to have impact on policies related to labour & its interests | Frequent demonstration of use of policy in labour's interests, as well as appropriate intervention to form &/or amend policy & processes related to it | Intervenes knowledgeably & successfully in change & implementation in interest of labour | Complex & deft grasp of policy development & outcomes, context & elements of debate & democratic process that influence its success or failure |
(14 of 17) Knowledge of origins & role of labour in economics/politics & cultural realms | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Broad, basic knowledge of background of the labour movement, its allies & foes, & the tools at its disposal | Has both general & specific knowledge & insight into the foundation of the labour movement & the areas in which it takes action or exercises influence | Knows much of labour history, context, struggles & forces at work in its formation & ongoing roles, at both practical & theoretical levels | Wealth of knowledge of both specialized & general labour roles, origins, development & allied causes & movements in their contexts | Advanced, complex level of knowledge of the influences forming labour or a movement & its roles in the full spectrum of contexts (economics, politics, culture, etc.) |
(15 of 17) Ability to express self in concrete terms | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Describes issues & conditions related to the discipline in clear & forthright terms | Describes & analyzes ideas & conditions with clarity, forthrightness & in terms understood by those active in the discipline | Usually states ideas & describes conditions in down-to-earth, understandable terms | Almost always conveys material related to labour studies in clear, concise, concrete ways | Unusual capacity to communicate ideas in appealing, convincing & meaningful terms |
(16 of 17) Ability to express self in abstract terms | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Shows basic capacity to deal with complex & abstract ideas in terms & in the discipline | Voices frequent insights into explanatory power of abstract ideas applied to the conditions & issues of labour | Usually conveys concepts related to the discipline in ways showing grasp of intricate & varied nature of this material | Almost always shows insight into basic, descriptive & complex, analytical levels of discussion & the relation between & among them | Consistently illustrates meaning, importance, & relations among, complex ideas & forces at work related to the discipline |
(17 of 17) Demonstrates understanding of, and commitment to, interest of labour | |||||
0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
No opportunity to observe | Record of action, speech &/or writing, illustrate engagement with cause of the labour movement | Takes action to increase skills & capacities for constructive engagement in issues of the labour movement | Evidence of detailed knowledge coupled with disciplined action in interests of the labour movement | Advanced & dedicated study & action conducted to further the aims of the labour movement | Consistent pattern of thoughtful & dedicated commitment to specific & broad interests of labour |
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Updated December 15, 2020 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (