e-Portfolio submission

Note: The standard format for portfolio submission is e-Portfolio, developed through a web-based virtual portfolio building site.

Rely on the direction/advice of your mentor to attend to the following:

For e-Portfolio submissions

  1. Email your 'portfolio url' (the link to your e-Portfolio) to your mentor for review.
  2. Your mentor will advise if any changes are required.
  3. Once your mentor has approved your e-Portfolio, it will be vetted by our Director and then forwarded for assessment.


No changes, additions, or deletions to portfolio documents or organization should be made after your mentor has reviewed and approved your portfolio prior to submission.

For other portfolio submission types

Note: Alternative submission routes must be negotiated with your mentor.

  1. Download, fill out, and save the Portfolio Declaration Page. Include this with your portfolio contents.
  2. Ensure that the portfolio is complete with all intended documents included.
  3. Submit your portfolio to CLA.

Next we will assess your portfolio.

Updated February 12, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (web_services@athabascau.ca)