Program-Based Criteria Table

Bachelor of Arts 4 Yr.

Learning Summary Template
(1 of 17) Knowledge
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Acceptable level of knowledge related to the discipline Some specialization in system of disciplinary knowledge with evidence of reading &/or research beyond the basic & generic level Shows familiarity with disciplinary knowledge sufficient to wield it with confidence & discrimination Exhibits grasp at considerable level of knowledge complexity Advanced & sophisticated level & scope of knowledge related to discipline
(2 of 17) Theory/Concept
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Familiar with relevant theories & concepts Focus on specialized categories of theory & concept within the relevant discipline Shows insights into relationships among applicable theories & concepts, as well as their connection to disciplinary practices &/or to other disciplines Grasps significance of theories & concept & can apply them in many instances related to the discipline Wields relevant theories & concepts at an advanced & complex level, consistent with their use in the discipline
(3 of 17) Critical Thinking
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Understands definition of critical thinking & its role in the discipline at an acceptable level Shows knowledge of the essential elements of critical thinking & some applications in a detailed way Grasps the tools, mechanisms & processes of critical thinking & uses them consciously & systematically Exhibits complex & nuanced understanding of the roles, functions & consequences of critical thinking Clear & insightful use of critical analysis, skepticism & risk employing theories, concepts and data or information employed in the discipline
(4 of 17) Clarity in writing
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Writes in relation to the discipline in a clear & constructive way Usually writes in a revealing & orderly manner that aids understanding in relation to the discipline Organized, systematic & dependable soundness in written work related to the discipline Persuasive & forceful in discipline related writing Clever, challenging & sharp writing related to the discipline
(5 of 17) Logical Argument
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Logical in arguments related to the disciplines at a basic acceptable level Comprehends elements of logic & their application in the discipline Knows & uses logical argument in a conscious, systematic & productive way Disciplined, reasoned & forceful in use of logical argument related to the discipline Deft, logical argument at an advanced, complex & convincing level
(6 of 17) Integrates knowledge from other disciplines
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Sees basic relationships & connections with knowledge bases of other disciplines Draws on other disciplines for some issues, conditions, arguments, conclusions or data related to their degree or discipline Accurately integrates data, research & insights from other disciplines Advanced skill in interpreting intersection with knowledge from other disciplines Nuanced, well reasoned incorporation of knowledge from other disciplines, used with flair & balanced with skepticism
(7 of 17) History/Development of Discipline
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Knows common, factual historical materials basic to the development of the disciplines Shows understanding of the role of history & developmental forces at work in relation to the discipline Knows detailed historical & developmental data related to one or more specialized areas within the discipline Shows broad range of knowledge & understanding of history & development of the discipline Exhibits advanced, detailed & insightful command of history & development of the discipline
(8 of 17) Understanding of sources and development of body of knowledge
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Understands that disciplinary body of knowledge has identifiable sources & wellsprings, with some evidence or examples Shows sufficient grasp of body of knowledge & its development to argue points & show evidence supporting them Systematic & thorough practical & theoretical grasp of disciplines body of knowledge & its source Advanced command of relevant body of knowledge Shows imaginative & complex insight, as well as appreciation of forces at work which produced body of knowledge
(9 of 17) Capacity to disseminate knowledge
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Can explain & argue basic tenets of the discipline Shows confidence & accuracy in disseminating some aspects of knowledge related to the discipline Systematic, orderly & dependable portrayal of elements of knowledge related to the discipline Advanced capacity to promote understanding of scope & depth of knowledge related to the discipline Inspiring & exemplary in putting forth reasoned consideration of materials related to the discipline
(10 of 17) Original Thinking
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Provides evidence of foundations for original thinking Show occasional insight or new ways of thinking about materials related to the discipline Shows frequent examples of original thinking - related to the discipline Complex & novel propositions presented often with convincing rationale Systematically provides fresh insight into problems, issues and data related to the discipline
(11 of 17) Academic self-development - Learning program development
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Shows evidence of a basic learning plan aimed at some identified level of academic achievement Conscious pursuit of a process toward assembling a feasible & realistic academic self-development & learning program Exhibits insights into motivation & practicalities involved in development of a learning plan, & path to specified academic goal(s) Identifies academic & other related learning goals, with assessment of resources, pace & personal capacity to achieve these goals Has challenging but workable plan, outlining steps of trajectory, toward achievement of learnings as well as a consciousness of overall academic learning goals & processes
(12 of 17) Understanding of structure of body of knowledge
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Presents evidence of knowledge of general contents & relationships, within the disciplinary body of knowledge Seeks increasing understanding of the structure of the body of knowledge, & the implications that result from it Employs understanding of structure of body of knowledge to efficiently & insightfully seek information or data & draw good conclusions related to the discipline Identifies issues & problems related to disciplinary body of knowledge structure, inquires into potential solutions & accommodations used in the discipline, as well as their impacts Knows & can explain in a convincing manner, reasons for the structure of the body of knowledge & what effect it has on the discipline
(13 of 17) Awareness of diverse approaches to knowledge
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Knows knowledge, has some variation in form, content &/or process Records some illustrations of different approaches to knowledge Shows evidence of breadth & scope of awareness of diverse approaches to knowledge Can explain why knowledge, & approaches to knowledge vary & what some consequences may be related to the discipline Sophisticated comprehension of varying forms of knowledge, as well as approaches to knowledge
(14 of 17) Related/relevant practical experience
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Draws some basic inferences & data from experiences, & relates it to disciplinary or degree goals Often gains insight into degree or disciplinary questions & issues from practical experience &/or application of theories & concepts in work or life Appropriately relates practice &/or experience lessons to goals of degree or discipline Systematically extracts insights into discipline related questions or issues from experience &/or practical application Outstanding ability to draw conclusions or insights from practice & experiences related to the discipline
(15 of 17) Aware of ethical issues
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Basic awareness of the major ethical dilemmas, questions & issues related to the discipline Can illustrate some ethical dilemmas with examples & some ideas about related forces at work Shows some insights into ethical questions, with discussion of the elements of solutions, their sources, & qualities of evidence for their resolution Advanced consideration of puzzling, multi-faceted ethical questions Complex & nuanced consideration of ethical questions bearing on the discipline
(16 of 17) Research - Ability to plan and execute
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Conducts research related to the discipline, in accord with its basic principles Shows insight & practice in research above the basic level Independent research with some complexity & depth Designs & conducts sophisticated research related to the discipline Appreciates & conducts innovative, clever research related to the discipline
(17 of 17) Breadth of Learnings - Related to Degree Goals (objectives)
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
No opportunity to observe Records basic acceptable range of evidence for variety of learnings related to the discipline or degree goals Shows evidence of inquiry & energetic pursuit of broad-ranging knowledge to augment the basics already achieved Sufficient range of learning to confidently & efficiently engage in pursuit of degree goals & disciplinary objectives Comprehensive group of broad range of degree &/or discipline related learnings Shows evidence of a remarkable range of learnings, & related understanding or comprehension of their significance in the discipline

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Updated December 15, 2020 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (