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Research chairs

Canada Research Chairs

The Canada Research Chairs program aims to achieve research excellence in:

  • engineering and the natural sciences
  • health sciences
  • humanities
  • social sciences

Dr. Mickey Vallee

Canada Research Chair in Community, Identity and Digital Media

Dr. Vallee’s interdisciplinary research focuses on innovation in sound-based technologies and how new local and global research communities can be built around these innovations. By building an understanding of the personal and collective experiences that people have with emerging sound technologies, Dr. Vallee will investigate how the sciences, the social sciences, and the arts and humanities engage with technological innovation.

Learn more about Dr. Mickey Vallee

Athabasca University Chairs

Dr. Rory McGreal

UNESCO/ICDE Chairholder in Open Educational Resources (OER)

Dr. McGreal is responsible for promoting the use and reuse of free, openly licensed educational content institutionally, nationally, and internationally, particularly in developing countries. Both UNESCO and the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) support the use of OER as being essential for the achievement of the UNESCO Sustainable Development Goal 4: Education for All. He has delivered OER seminars, keynote presentations or conducted workshops in more than 60 countries.

Learn more about Dr. Rory McGreal

Dr. Mohamed Ally

Commonwealth of Learning Chairholder in Emerging Technologies in Open and Distance Learning

Dr. Ally is conducting research that will impact both developed and developing countries. He is currently a Canadian expert on information technology for learning, education, and training (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36) (Information technology for learning, education and training) to set international standards for mobile learning, online learning, virtual reality, and augmented reality. Professor Ally has edited/co-edited 15 books on the use of emerging technologies in education and presented speeches at many national and international conferences. He is a Founding Director of the International Mobile Learning Association and the International Association for Blended Learning.

Learn more about Dr. Mohammed Ally

Updated February 09, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations (