Sue MacKenzie

Sue MacKenzie

NP Clinical Coordinator - East

Contact information



Sue Mackenzie has worked as an educator, social researcher, leadership trainer, group facilitator, program coordinator, and education consultant. Having worked in higher education for more than 20 years, her interests in experiential education and community health and development have led to some very diverse teaching and learning experiences. Sue is passionate about learning opportunities across the life span but in particular, working to support end of life care. Her work with hospice and palliative care volunteers has led to the creation of new community driven initiatives across the region. Most recently, Sue has served as an online instructor within the Department of Experiential Studies in Community and Sport for Cape Breton University and with Athabasca University as the Practicum Placement Review Facilitator for the Faculty of Health Disciplines. Originally from mainland Nova Scotia, Sue is a life-long learner whose work in Canada, the US and abroad as an education consultant continually inspires her to seek new ways of passing on to others a love of learning and respect for different ways of knowing and experiencing the world in which we live.

Research interests

  • Experiential education, Advance Practice Nursing, Hospice and End of Life Care.

Educational credentials

  • Bachelor of Arts Adv Major (King's), 1-Year Graduate Program (Hebrew U), Master of Education (Springfield)