Dr. Steven Johnson

Dean, Faculty of Health Disciplines

Contact information

E-mail: sjohnson@athabascau.ca

Dr. Steven Johnson

Dr. Steven Johnson

Dean, Faculty of Health Disciplines

Contact information

Email: sjohnson@athabascau.ca


Dr. Johnson conducts research around health promotion with a focus on healthy eating, active living and sleep. He has worked with adults who have type 2 diabetes and with workplace health promotion programs for men. Dr. Johnson has numerous collaborative partners in Alberta, Canada and Australia.

Discover my research

Research interests

  • Clinical and community-based lifestyle interventions for preventing and managing obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
  • Post-Gestational Diabetes Mellitus lifestyle interventions
  • Workplace wellness for men
  • Sleep health

Educational credentials

  • Postdoctoral Fellow (2009) Physical Activity and Population Health (PAPH) Research Lab Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
  • Postdoctoral Fellow (2008) Department of Pediatrics and Child Health Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry/Pediatric Centre for Weight & Health, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
  • Doctor of Philosophy (2007) Nutrition and Metabolism Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
  • Master of Science (2000) Nutrition and Metabolism University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
  • Bachelor of Science (1997) Human Nutrition College of Pharmacy and Nutrition University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK