Rachael Chávez

Faculty Manager

Contact information

E-mail: rchavez@athabascau.ca

Rachael Chávez

Rachael Chávez

Faculty Manager

Contact information

Email: rchavez@athabascau.ca


As Faculty Manager, Rachael provides high-level administrative and operational management and leadership to the Faculty and student support teams, as well as being a key member and strategic advisor to the Faculty Administrative and Strategy Team and the Dean. Rachael has extensive experience in research, finance, and operational administration in public institutions, including time in both the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Alberta, Medical Affairs at Alberta Health Services, and Industry Solutions at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.

On a personal note, gratefully settled in ᐊᒥᐢᑲᐧᒋᐋᐧᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ, on Treaty Six territory, Rachael loves cooking traditional Mexican foods, beading, gardening, doing anything active outdoors, and indulging in nature-centric photography.

Educational credentials

  • Master of Business Administration – Human Resources Management
  • Bachelor of Science – Psychology
  • Bachelor of Science – Biology