Dr. Jacqueline Limoges

Dr. Jacqueline Limoges

Associate Professor

Contact information

Email: jacqueline.limoges@athabascau.ca


Dr Jacqueline Limoges holds a PhD and MScN from the University of Toronto and a BScN from Queen’s. She is an associate professor with Athabasca University. Dr. Limoges is the chair of the Ontario Cancer Research Ethics Board and the co-lead of the Canadian Nursing and Genomics group. Her research examines inter and intraprofessional collaboration, the impact of technology such as genomics on professional practice, and how nurses develop and use knowledge. With over 30 years of nursing experience, Dr Limoges has partnered with many organizations to support quality patient care, professional development and advancements in nursing practice. Dr. Limoges is dedicated to forming networks of collaboration to conduct research that advances healthcare, patient outcomes and the quality of work life for healthcare providers.

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Research interests

  • Genomics and nursing practice
  • Leading for clinical innovation and advancements in nursing
  • Impact of COVID-19 on professional practice and well being
  • Inter and intra-professional collaboration
  • Research and health Ethics
  • Oncology

Educational credentials

  • PhD University of Toronto
  • MScN University of Toronto
  • BScN Queen’s University

Professional affiliations

  • College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
  • College of Nurses of Ontario
  • Sigma Theta Tau International Honours Society