Ernest Jacobson


Contact information

E-mail: erniej@athabascau.ca

Current courses

Ernest Jacobson


Ernest Jacobson


Contact information

Email: erniej@athabascau.ca


I am an economist who has been an academic teacher as well as researcher and planner in health care services.

My current role with Athabasca University is as a tutor in health economics. During my career, I have worked for the Government of Saskatchewan Department of Health(research and planning), as well as NAIT, with evening teaching at the University of Alberta and the University of Lethbridge. In addition, I was on the board of the predecessor to Servus Credit Union for a number of years, as well as a board member of Credit Union Central of Alberta. I am widowed, but remarried. My wife and I have 5 children and 10 grandchildren in our blended family.

Research interests

  • Health Economics
  • Economics of Money and Banking

Educational credentials

  • BA(Honours) Economics
  • MA Economics

Professional affiliations

  • Economics Society of Northern Alberta
  • Canadian Club of Edmonton