Why is this important?
Cybersecurity attacks are very common, and anyone using the internet is a potential target.
The primary motivation is profit. There are a number of ways for criminals to make money using your devices, accounts, or personal information. As a result these malicious parties are constantly trying to gain access to your devices and information, using a variety of attacks.
The motive is not always money. Others engage in these activities to prove themselves to other hackers, for fun, or just to see if they can do it.
Below you will find some information about how your devices, accounts and information can be misused by attackers.
Staying safe
You are a target
The value of a hacked PC
This article from Krebs on Security includes a graphic showing many of the ways attackers can make money by gaining control of your computer or mobile device.
This article is a few years old, so it does not include cryptocurrency mining, where the attacker uses your computer or device to mine cryptocoins. This can lead to higher power bills, overheating computers/devices, performance issues, and significantly reduced battery life.
The Scrap Value of a Hacked PC Revisited - Krebs on Security
The value of a hacked email account
This article from Krebs on Security includes a graphic showing many of the ways attackers can make money by gaining control of your email account.
The Value of a Hacked Email Account - Krebs on Security
Join the discussion
A Yammer group has been created for AU Team Members to discuss cybersecurity related topics. Please join the discussion.
Updated August 06, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (web_services@athabascau.ca)