User interface elements

  • Accordion: Accordions organize content in collapsible sections, allowing users to expand or collapse individual items. This is useful for displaying large amounts of information in a compact space.

  • Buttons: Buttons serve as interactive elements that trigger actions or navigate users to different parts of a site. They are a fundamental part of user interface design, guiding users through various tasks.

  • Fancybox: Fancybox is a tool for displaying images, videos, or other content in a modal overlay. It allows users to focus on the content without navigating away from the current page.

  • Forms: Forms collect user input, such as contact details, feedback, or search queries. They are essential for user interaction, enabling submissions directly from the web page.

  • Icons: Icons are small graphic symbols that represent actions, objects, or concepts. They enhance the visual appeal and usability of a site by providing intuitive navigation cues.

  • Read More Toggle: The read more toggle reveals additional content when activated. This helps to keep pages tidy by hiding lengthy text until the user chooses to view it.

Updated August 19, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations (