Font Awesome
For a full list of available icons and how to use them, please visit the Font Awesome website. Version 4.7.0 is currently being used.
Multi-coloured icons
The Athabasba University also uses a multi-coloured svg sprite for custom icons. These are used heavily on on the main AU website. Included are examples of all custom icons. To use these icons, just add the id to the href. If you want to change the size of the icon or view a code sample on how to use them, please see examples below:
Multi-coloured icon sizes
default size
medium size (class="icon-md)
large size (class="icon-lg)
xl size (class="icon-xl)
xxl size (class="icon-xxl)
Multi-Coloured Icons
Payment Icons
Updated August 19, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations (web_services@athabascau.ca)