

Striped table

Description of table contents
Fee Description  
Program application fee1
(required with each application)
$ 150
Non-Program application fee1 $ 100
Admission fee1
(payable upon acceptance into the program)
$ 200
Admission fee1
(payable upon acceptance into the program)
$ 200
Graduate Student Association Fee
(Effective May 1, 2009, GSA Fee will be added to course registration fee)
$ 13 per credit
Course registration fee (per 3 credit course)2
Students living in Canada Includes $39 GSA Fee $ 1,549
Students living abroad Includes $39 GSA Fee $ 1,749

No stripes

A class of <class="no-striping"> can be added to the <table> to remove the "zebra" striping as it is often called.

It is important to add <th scope="row"> to the table row to be light gray instead of dark blue when this is required. This is only necessary when using a <th>in the <tbody> element.

# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @jthorton
3 Larry the Bird @thebird

Updated August 12, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations (