Test yourself

Choose all that apply:

The sources you choose to develop the paragraphs of your essay should be

Choose all that apply:

What information do you need to keep about a journal article so that you can properly list it as a reference and cite it in your paper?

Choose all that apply:

When do you need to cite sources in your essay?

Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence:

Many wise persons have said that writing is

Fill in the blanks:

A paragraph should focus on one topic and be long enough to fully develop it. In general for an academic essay, a paragraph of more than _____ sentences probably needs to be divided, and a paragraph of _____ or fewer sentences probably needs to be developed further or combined with another paragraph. It depends on the discipline and purpose of your essay.

Updated June 14, 2022 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (web_services@athabascau.ca)