
A clear and engaging writing style is the mark of an excellent writer. What is style? At its most basic, it is the way a writer uses and combines words and sentences to achieve a certain effect. Style can include:

  • diction (word choice)
  • sentence structure and syntax
  • use of figurative language
  • use of rhythm and sounds and
  • rhetorical patterns (e.g., narration, description, comparison-contrast, etc.)

The resources in this section will help you both understand more about what style is and how to develop your own.

Writing style

Passive voice



  • Idioms, by Athabasca University
  • Diction, by the University of Ottawa

Word use

Connotation and denotation

A collection of homonyms, and common word use errors, arranged alphabetically

Vocabulary and spelling

Updated September 11, 2023 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (