Writing Coach Guidelines

To send an assignment for coaching, please use the Writing Coach Submission Dropbox.

Submit an assignment for feedback at least 3 business days before you need it returned.

Allow additional time to rewrite the assignment based on the feedback and writing resources you receive.

Submit only one assignment at a time to ensure you have enough time to use the feedback to edit your next assignment before you submit it. Note that the WS Drop Box will not accept additional assignments for 24 hours after the first submission has been returned.

Submit assignments up to 5 pages. If your paper is longer, please indicate which 5 page section of the paper you are most concerned about. You will receive up to 5 pages or 25 comments of feedback, whichever comes first.

Accept that the Write Site personnel will provide coaching on assignments—not editing. This feedback will indicate three or four major issues that could be improved in any assignment and you will be asked to use this feedback to complete the editing.

Updated June 28, 2021 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (web_services@athabascau.ca)