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Graduate Certificate in Data Analytics - Curriculum

Please read the full Graduate Certificate in Data Analytics program regulations.

The Graduate Certificate in Data Analytics (GC DA) will be awarded upon completion of four (4) courses (12 credits). Students are required to complete the following core courses:

  • COMP 504: Object Structure and Programming (3)
  • COMP 682: Data Mining (3)
  • COMP 683: Introduction to Learning Analytics & Knowledge (3).

And one of the following elective courses:

  • COMP 602: Enterprise Information Management (3)
  • COMP 657: Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques (3).
  • COMP 658: Computational Intelligence (3).
  • COMP 684: Business Intelligence (3).

The core course, Object Structure and Programming, focuses on the design and analysis of efficient data structures and algorithms, and discusses the fundamental concepts, principles, and techniques for effective programming, algorithm analysis, and design. Data Mining is a hands-on course where learners will interact with structured and unstructured data to solve complex problems with applications in sectors such as healthcare, business, and education. Learning Analytics and Knowledge is intended to provide an overview of how analytics are used in different educational, corporate, government, and non-governmental organization (NGO) settings.

The option course Enterprise Information Management looks at databases, how they fit into an organization, what needs they seek to address and what can be done with them. This option is for those who are looking to understand the information needs of an organization and will explore how and when such information is needed. The course emphasizes being able to manage information in a manner that benefits an organization. This option will be required for those students who do not already have equivalent competency, since such competency is a prerequisite to taking COMP 682 course.

The option course Artificial Intelligence looks at using data "intelligently" to solve complex problems and to provide more natural and effective services to human beings. The emphasis in this course is on advance search, reasoning and decision-making under uncertainty, and machine learning.

Permission of the program director is required before courses are taken for GC DA program credit outside Athabasca University.

Updated September 25, 2023 by Digital & Web Operations (