Centre for Science - Biology lab resources

Biology labs
Course title Type of lab*
BIOL 204: Principles of Biology I Home Labs
BIOL 205: Principles of Biology II Home Labs and Simulations
BIOL 207: Principles of Biology II Home and Supervised Labs (5 days)
BIOL 230: Physiology
(effective January 1, 2014)
Home Labs and Simulations
BIOL 320: Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates Supervised Labs (4 days)
BIOL 325: Introductory Microbiology Supervised Labs (4 days)
BIOL 345: Ecology Home and Supervised Labs (4 days)
BIOL 480: Immunology Online Lab

Check all undergraduate science courses.

*Including Bachelor of Science Major in Applied Mathematics.

Lab schedules

Whenever possible, Biology labs are offered as back-to-back lab sessions, so a student can take multiple lab components in one trip. For more information about back-to-back labs, please contact the Lab Development Specialist.

Our booking page gives you information on how to book a lab.

Lab exemptions

Lab exemptions are only permitted for the following biology courses: BIOL 207, BIOL 230, BIOL 320, BIOL 325, and BIOL 345. For courses with home labs, all home lab components are compulsory.

Check our growing list of lab equivalents (AU login required).

Exemption information by course

Lab resources

Updated March 27, 2025 by Digital & Web Operations (web_services@athabascau.ca)