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Mohammad Hedayatipour

Science Home Lab Kit Manager, Lab Assistant

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Mohammad Hedayatipour


Mohammad Hedayatipour

Science Home Lab Kit Manager, Lab Assistant

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Mohammad has taught university level courses as well as conducted and participated in research. His theoretical research involved applying relativistic mean field approach in studying the photo- and lepton-production of hadrons from nuclei as well as the effect of the nuclear medium on the propagation of the hadron resonances. He has developed the relativistic models describing the interaction of the electromagnetic field and leptons with nuclei, including photo-, electro- and neutrino-knock out reactions of the proton from complex nuclei and photo-production of the eta meson from complex nuclei. The nature of the particles involved in these reactions makes it natural to use the relativistic model for these studies; however, he reduced his relativistic model to a non-relativistic-like model to further study the differences between the relativistic and non-relativistic models. Comparing the results of these models to the experimental data revealed that relativistic models are in better agreement with the data.

Mohammad also worked with experimentalists and have been part of the experimental astro-particle physics group at the University of Alberta. This experience equipped him with expertise in applying both hardware and software experimental tools. University of Alberta is a main contributor to the SNO+ experiment at SNOLAB. The primary focus of the SNO+ experiment is the measurement of neutrino-less double beta decay of the isotope 130Te. The existence of this rare decay process provides solid proof that neutrinos are their own antiparticles and may help to determine the absolute neutrino mass scale.

Mohammad has taught a wide range of graduate and undergraduate level physics and mathematical physics courses at different universities including the University of Alberta. He truly admires the value of teaching and is honored at the opportunity to help students at Athabasca University by providing them the lab kits to perform their labs at home successfully and continue their academic journey.

Research interests

  • Interaction of electromagnetic probes with nuclei
  • Interaction of neutrinos with nuclei
  • Neutrino-less double beta decays

Educational credentials

  • PhD: Theoretical Nuclear Physics, University of Alberta
  • MSc: Theoretical Nuclear Physics, University of Tehran
  • BSc: Physics, University of Ferdowsi