Dr. Larbi Esmahi


Dr. Larbi Esmahi

Associate Professor

Contact information

Email: larbie@athabascau.ca


Larbi Esmahi received his PhD in electrical engineering from University of Montreal (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal), Canada, and he received his BSc and MSc in computer engineering from the National Institute INSEA, Rabat, Morocco. During his Ph.D., he spent 3 years in the Computer Research Institute of Montreal (Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal - CRIM) working on multi-agents cooperation mechanisms in E-commerce and network services management.

He worked as an Assistant Research Officer for the Network Computing group at IIT/NRC from December 1999 to June 2001. His research was focused on the use of mobile intelligent agents for network services provisioning and deployment, E-commerce and Telephony services.

He joined the School of Computing and Information Systems, Athabasca University as an Associate Professor since July 2001 and his research is focused on multi-agents systems, soft computing, Data Mining and E-services creation and provisioning. He served as graduate program coordinator for the School of Computing and Information Systems, from October 2002 until August 2005, and graduate program director for the Faculty of Science and Technology from 2011 to 2022.

Discover my research

Research interests

  • Data analytics
  • Multiagent systems
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence

Educational credentials

  • PhD in electrical engineering from University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • BSc and MSc in computer engineering from the National Institute INSEA, Rabat, Morocco