Dr. Hongxue (Harris) Wang
Associate Professor
Contact information
E-mail: harrisw@athabascau.ca
harris-wangCurrent courses
Dr. Hongxue (Harris) Wang
Dr. Hongxue (Harris) Wang
Associate Professor
Contact information
Email: harrisw@athabascau.ca
I obtained my bachelor and master degrees from Jilin University of China in the 1980s, and obtained my PhD from The Australian National University, Australia in 1999, all in the discipline of computer science. My persistent research interest that had led me to pursue academic degrees was to find the common ground of all science and intelligence and build a unified theoretical framework from which some existing scientific theories can be derived.The results of this persistent interest in theory and system unification and integration include the Constrained Object Hierarchies (COHs) framework for intelligence and intelligent systems, Unified Logic (UniLog) for reasoning, and General Intelligent System Modelling (GISMO) language.
Since I joined Athabasca University in 2000, my interest in theory and system unification and integration has been more aligned with the mission of the university. The main outcome is a system originally called EduPalace in an earlier implementation, and now is called KBIES for Knowledge-based integrated education system, in the new application of the idea for a unified and integrated system for open education.
Research interests
- Intelligence and intelligent system modelling
- Computing technologies for education and online education
- Web-based systems
- Computer and network security
Educational credentials
- Ph.D in Computer Science, the Australian National University, 1999
- Master of Computer Software, Jilin University, 1988
- Bachelor of Computer Systems and Architecture, Jilin University, 1985
Professional affiliations
- Member of IEEE
- Member of IEEE, Computer Society
- Member of ACM