Master of Arts – Interdisciplinary Studies - Course grading system

Current grading system

Effective September 2004 Athabasca University graduate programs will be using the following standardized conversion grading scale.

Current graduate programs grading scale
A+ 95-100% 4.0
A 90-94% 4.0
A- 85-89% 3.7
B+ 80-84% 3.3
B 75-79% 3.0
B- 70-74% 2.7
C+ 66-69% 2.3
C 63-65% 2.0
C- 60-62% 1.7
Fail 0-59% 0.0

The two MA-IS core courses in Theory and Methods will challenge students in areas of study that will most likely be unfamiliar to them. As such these two courses will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis only. No percentage or letter grade will be available. The rationale for Pass/Fail grading is to challenge students to take risks while working in interdisciplinary studies areas by undertaking assignment topics they might not consider if their performance was graded on a percentage basis.

Program status

Any program student who receives a grade of "F" in one course, or a grade of "C" in more than one course, may be required to withdraw from the program. Please refer to the Program status page for the complete policy.

Former grading system

Former grading scale for MA-IS courses with a start date prior to September 2004.

Former grading scale, used prior to September 2004
A+ 90 - 100 %
A 85 - 89 %
A- 80 - 84 %
B+ 77 - 79%
B 74 - 76 %
B- 70 - 73 %
C+ 67 - 69 %
C 64 - 66 %
C- 60 - 63 %
F 0 - 59 %
IN Incomplete Status
W Withdrawn in good standing.

If you have questions about the new grading scale please visit the Graduate grading policy.

Updated July 24, 2023 by Digital & Web Operations (