Bachelor of Professional Arts, Communication Studies Major - Library pathfinder

This pathfinder is intended to help students locate information in the field of communication studies. Not all of the resources listed are available from the Athabasca University Library. This pathfinder will be useful to students with access to any library in his or her vicinity. Most academic libraries allow materials to be used by anyone in-house, however borrowing privileges may not necessarily be extended. Consult with the information desk of the respective library to confirm which privileges are available to you.

Definition - the communication studies field

Communication studies draws its independence from many academic disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, and philosophy. In an attempt to define what communication is, James Neuliep outlined that communication is:

A process that is irreversible (dynamic), involving at least two people (interactive),in a power relationship (transactional), that is symbolic and intentional, occurring in a particular time and space (contextual) and that is common to all human beings(ubiquitous), living in association with one another (cultural).

Communication studies examines all of these components and their respective implications on society.

General reference sources

General reference materials are helpful in providing background, definitions, and an overview of specific subjects that may lead to further sources of information. This category of sources may be divided into subcategories: dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks.

Based on Steve Schafer's Anthropology Pathfinder
© 1998 Athabasca University

Updated February 09, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations (