Dr. Susan Cake

Assistant Professor, Human Resources and Labour Relations

Contact information

E-mail: scake@athabascau.ca

Current courses

Dr. Susan Cake

Dr. Susan Cake

Assistant Professor, Human Resources and Labour Relations

Contact information

Email: scake@athabascau.ca


Dr. Susan Cake is an assistant professor in human resources and labour relations. Susan has been with Athabasca University since 2020 and prior to joining AU, Susan was a worker advocate specializing in the areas of Occupational Health and Safety, Workers’ Compensation Systems, and Pensions. Susan’s current research interests include union relevance and renewal, government workplace policy and regulations, and child care.

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Research interests

  • Union Renewal and Organizing
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Care Work

Educational credentials

  • Ph.D. Sociology (University of Alberta)
  • M.A. Sociology (York University)
  • B.A. (Hons.) Sociology (Western University)

Professional affiliations

  • Canadian Industrial Relations Association
  • Canadian Sociological Association