Osire Glacier

Osire Glacier

Associate Professor

Contact information

Email: oglacier@athabascau.ca


Osire Glacier (Ph.D., McGill University) teaches in the History Department. She has an expertise in the modern history of the Middle East and North African. Her research focuses on Moroccan women’s history, the politics of gender and sexuality in postcolonial Morocco, and the issue of human rights in postcolonial Morocco.

She is the author of several monographs, among which Freedom for Morocco: A Family Tale (Trenton/USA: Africa World Press & Red Sea Press, 2022), Féminin, masculin : photos d’affiches publicitaires (Montréal : M. Éditeur, 2019), Le sexe nié, féminité, masculinité et sexualité au Maroc (Montréal : Pleine Lune, 2019), which was published in English as Femininity, Masculinity and Sexuality in Morocco (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), Femmes, Islam et Occident (Montréal : Pleine Lune, 2018), Les droits humains au Maroc : entre discours et réalité (Tarik Éditions, 2015), Universal Rights, Systemic Violations and Cultural Relativism in Morocco (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), and Political Women in Morocco: Then and Now (Africa World Press, 2013), which was published in French as Femmes politiques au Maroc: d’hier à aujourd’hui (Tarik Éditions, 2013).

Her blog, http://www.etudesmarocaines.com, aims at disseminating academic knowledge about North African issues within the general public.

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Research interests

  • Women's history in the Middle East and North Africa
  • Women, gender and sexuality in he Middle East and North Africa
  • Human rights history and politics he Middle East and North Africa

Educational credentials

  • Ph.D., McGill University, Montreal
  • M.A., Laval University, Quebec City
  • M.A., Laval University, Quebec City

Professional affiliations

  • Middle East Studies Association (MESA)