I am an anthropologist and organic farmer based in southwestern Saskatchewan. Alongside my partner our extended family, we grow organic grains and raise grass-fed bison. My research is also based in Saskatchewan and examines the long-term development of reduced tillage grain farming and how this technology has shaped rural communities, the environment, pubic research, and our food system.
Research interests
Rural Communities
Science and Technology Studies
Pre-colonization plants
Educational credentials
PhD McGill University 2022
MA The University of Wyoming 2011
BA The University of Wyoming 2007
Professional affiliations
2022 Arts Insights Dissertation Award for Social Sciences, McGill University Faculty of Arts
2019 Strand, Katherine. “From Partner to Consumer: The Changing Role of Farmers in the Public Agriculture Research Process on the Canadian Prairies,” in Jane W. Gibson and Sara E. Alexander, Editors, In Defense of Farmers: The Future of Agriculture in the Shadow of Corporate Power. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
2019 Strand, Katherine and Darin Barney. “Telling Their Stories: Ideology and the Subject of Prairie Agriculture,” in David Laycock, Editor, Political Ideology in Parties, Policy, and Civil Society. Vancouver: UBC Press.
2016 Strand, Katherine. Review of Barnyards and Birkenstocks: Why Farmers and Environmentalists Need Each Other, by Don Stuart. Human Ecology 2016; 44(4): 515-516.
2014 Strand, Katherine, Eric Arnould, and Melea Press. Tillage Practices and Identity Formation in High Plains Farming, Journal of Material Culture. December 2014; 19(4): 355-373.
2014 Press, Melea, Eric Arnould, Jeff B. Murray, and Katherine Strand. Ideological Challenges to Changing Market Orientation in Commodity Agriculture, Journal of Marketing. November 2014; 78(6): 103-119