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Dr. Jocelyne Le Ber


Dr. Jocelyne Le Ber

Individualized French Study Tutor

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Dr. Jocelyne Françoise Le Ber is born in France. She is currently a individualized tutor in French at Athabasca University. She also teaches French language at Boreal College. She has been teaching Literature courses at the Royal Military College of Canada that covered the period from the 17th to the 20th century as well as Quebec literature. She has also taught at Queen’s University where she received her Ph.D. in French Literature. Her doctoral thesis examined the works of Jean Cocteau by analyzing the role of the female character in Cocteau's theatre. Among her accomplishments, she has published four books and numerous articles. Two of her books analyze the theatre of Jean Cocteau which covers the period from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. The third book is a collection of short stories and the fourth is a collective essay on the Hate of the Other, which brought together professors from France, the United States and Canada. She has published poems with Le pan poétique des muses and Éditions du Vermillon. As for articles, they are published in French journals and are related to my thesis and her research on hatred of others and harassment. She has also been asked to contribute to collective works on Beur literature in France which are published by Éditions l'Harmattan. Her main area of research is in the field of the theater where she analysis female character in Cocteau's theatre to highlights the archetypes of myths, which have become types in the Boulevard Theatre. She is also interested in traditional and contemporary computer-assisted approaches to the text as well as Hate of the Other in French literature.

Research interests

  • Le français langue seconde
  • Le théâtre de Jean Cocteau
  • La haine et la violence de l’Autre dans la littérature française.
  • Bouc émissaire et harcèlement dans les institutions
  • Le roman historique dans la littérature québécoise

Educational credentials

  • Phd. Queens University
  • Master Queens University
  • BAH Queen's University

Professional affiliations

  • Association des rédacteurs du Canada
  • Correspondante officielle des Amis Jean Cocteau
  • Membre de l'Association des Amis Jean Cocteau
  • Cercle- réseau international de chercheur-e-s en études francophones intermultidisciplinaires. Regards sur les littératures du monde francophone
  • Membre de l’Association des professeur.e.s de français des universités et
  • collèges canadiens (APFUCC)
  • Membre du Mordern Language Association (MLA)
  • Membre du Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA)
  • Membre du Conseil international d’études francophones (CIEF)
  • Membre de l’Association des auteurs et auteures de l’Ontario français (AAOF)