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Dr. Eliana El Khoury

Assistant Professor

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Dr. Eliana El Khoury


Dr. Eliana El Khoury

Assistant Professor

Contact information



Dr. Eliana El Khoury is an assistant professor at Athabasca University. She has extensive experience in teaching and learning in K12 and higher education settings within both Canada and internationally. She started her career with a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and in 2018 she graduated from the University of Calgary with a PhD in Learning Sciences. Eliana spent six years teaching in K12 classrooms and working with teachers to redesign their lessons. In the last four years, she has been teaching in teacher education programs and the Master of Education program at Queen’s University. Eliana also has experience in education development and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Dr. El Khoury is involved with international and humanitarian work by providing educational consultancy in Lebanon and the Middle East. Her work focuses on education in emergencies and innovation in teaching and learning. Eliana’s latest work includes training teachers in alternative ways of doing assessments. She also leads a team of trainers and researchers focused on innovation in teaching and learning as well as design workshops in English, French, and Arabic.

Dr. El Khoury has won many awards related to her work on internationalization and education in emergencies. She has received multiple grants to conduct research, and has published and presented on STEM education, equity in education, and alternative assessments"

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Research interests

  • Innovation in teaching and learning
  • Alternative assessment in multiple disciplines
  • Open education
  • Equity in assessment practices
  • Program evaluation and assessment
  • STEM education

Educational credentials

  • Ph.D. (Educational Technology, Learning Sciences)
  • M.A. in Educational Research
  • B.S. in Information Technology