MBA for Supply Chain Managers

Athabasca University and the Supply Chain Managers Association (SCMA) have partnered to give Supply Chain Management Professionals (SCMPs) enhanced access to AU’s online MBA for executives program.

Your SCMP designation will give you transfer credit for up to 9 total credits, reducing your program completion time and tuition costs. And if you have completed an undergraduate degree in business within the past 10 years, our accelerated route could further reduce your time and costs.

If you do not yet have your SCMP designation, completing your AU MBA will give you advanced standing in the SCMP program.

Entry routes into the MBA for Supply Chain Managers

Depending on your background, you can apply for the standard entry route or the accelerated entry route.

Select the  standard entry route if you have:

  • The SCMP designation,
  • an undergraduate degree, and
  • at least 3 years of managerial experience.


  • The SCMP designation and
  • at least 5 years of managerial experience.

Select the  accelerated entry route if you have:

  • The SCMP designation
  • an undergraduate degree in business, completed within the past 10 years with an overall GPA of 3.0 for the last 60 credits completed, and
  • at least 3 years of managerial experience.

Standard entry route

Under the standard entry route, you will receive transfer credit for the following AU MBA courses:

  • Strategic Management (STMT 500)
  • Operations Management (OPMT 505)
  • one 3-credit elective

This will allow you to finish your MBA up to 6 months faster.

This route acknowledges the advanced supply chain education and experience you received by completing your designation.

Accelerated entry route

If you hold the SCMP designation and a Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Management, or similar business degree completed within the past 10 years, you could finish your MBA in as little as 17 months.

This accelerated route acknowledges that the academic knowledge from your business degree—in combination with your supply chain management knowledge and workplace experience—provides a solid base from which to advance into senior management study and practice.

The accelerated route gives you the flexibility to tailor your master’s studies to your own interests and career goals. Complete 1 mandatory online course, then design the rest of your program to suit your needs. You can choose from online and in-residence electives, international electives, and a major research project.

Get your SCMP designation

If you have completed your AU online MBA within the last 5 years, SCMA will grant transfer credit in the SCMP program for the following modules and workshops:

  • Module 4 – Operations
  • Module 5 – Knowledge Management
  • Workshop 1 – Leadership
  • Workshop 3 – Communications
  • Workshop 6 – Ethics

You will also be exempted from writing the challenge exam typically required for advanced standing.

SCMA charges an administrative fee to manage advanced standing applications. The cost is $100 per program element to a maximum of $500.

Learn more about the SCMP

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