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Dr. Farzad (Haider) Alvi

Associate Professor, Innovation Finance

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Dr. Farzad (Haider) Alvi

Dr. Farzad (Haider) Alvi

Associate Professor, Innovation Finance

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I am a former corporate financier turned academic and company director. Having grown up in North America, I went on to work in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Latin America.

During my 11-year career as a banker focused on the financial services sector, I advised government shareholders and banks in 17 emerging market countries on mergers, restructurings, and privatizations. Subsequently, I was involved with social impact investing in Latin America.

As an academic, prior to my current position at Athabasca University, I have held university appointments in Mexico City (Tec de Monterrey - EGADE), and Toronto (York - Schulich). My research investigates the individual agency and entrepreneurial orientations required to navigate through turbulent contexts, and increasingly on the role of innovation finance. My research often takes a critical view of Global North hegemony.

I am presently the Chair of the Board of OECM and Member of the Board of Edmonton Unlimited (formerly Innovate Edmonton). I also sit on several volunteer boards.

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Research interests

Innovation finance ecosystems, Global North hegemony in the post-colonial contexts of the Global South, individual agency in difficult circumstances.

Educational credentials

  • PhD (2009) - University of Cambridge, Judge Business School
  • JD (1994) - Indiana University, Bloomington
  • MBA (1992) - University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management
  • AB (1988) - University of Chicago

Professional affiliations

  • ICD.D