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Emily Wong

Learning Designer and Editor

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Emily Wong

Emily Wong

Learning Designer and Editor

Contact information



Emily is a Learning Designer and Editor with the Course Development & Production (CDP) team within the Faculty of Business. She is an experienced educational professional with a strong learning design, distance education, teaching (online and in-class), and English Language Arts background.

Her most recent professional roles are as an Instructional Design Team Lead and Lead Teacher with the Alberta Distance Learning Centre and as an experienced teacher with an Alberta-based virtual school. Alongside her course development and teaching experience during her career, Emily's learning design and assessment expertise has extended to her ongoing work with Alberta Education as a provincial exams (English 30-1) standards confirmer and lead provincial exams marker.

She is no stranger to the development, production, and delivery of courses via online learning, and has experience in both Moodle and Brightspace learning platforms. She holds a Master of Education (Open, Digital, and Distance Education) degree from Athabasca University and a Bachelor of Education in English Language Arts and Social Studies from the University of Alberta.

In her personal time, Emily enjoys hiking, camping, and snowshoeing with her two dogs in Kananaskis, international travel, and contributing to the family business of Canadian film prop and art/custom fabrication.

Research interests

  • Online learning
  • Assessment
  • Literacy

Educational credentials

  • Master of Education, Open, Digital, and Distance Education (Athabasca University)
  • Bachelor of Education, English Language Arts/Social Studies (University of Alberta)