Psychology (PSYC) 310

Learning and Instruction (Revision 3)


Under Revision



Areas of study:

Arts or Social Science


An introductory course in psychology or educational psychology is strongly recommended. Suggested courses at Athabasca University include PSYC 289, PSYC 290, or EDPY 200. As well, a course in cognitive psychology (e.g., PSYC 355) would be a useful pre- or co-requisite course. As well, the criteria for the second assignment assume that students have studied research methods (PSYC 304) and introductory statistical analysis (MATH 215 or MATH 216) such that they are able to review an empirical research article.


EDPY310. PSYC 310 cannot be taken for credit by students who have obtained credit in EDPY 310.


PSYC 310 has a challenge for credit option.


In general, psychology students would register for PSYC 310 whereas students in a Bachelor of Education program (or similar) would typically register for EDPY 310. If you don’t fall into one of these categories, please consider that PSYC courses at Athabasca University are social science courses and EDPY courses are applied studies courses. Since the assignments differ across the courses students will not be able to change between course codes at a later time.

Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized study counterparts.

Opened in Revision 3, June 23, 2016

Updated August 14, 2023

View previous revision