Psychology (PSYC) 304
Delivery mode:
Individualized study online. Delivered via Brightspace.
Areas of study:
Arts, Science, or Social Science
It is recommended that students have received credit for Athabasca University's PSYC 289 and PSYC 290 (or an equivalent) before taking this course. A course in research methods is required for all undergraduate psychology majors in Canadian universities. To ensure transferability of credits, the content of Psychology 304 is very similar to that of other university courses in research methods in psychology.
Course start date:
If you are a:
- Self-funded student: register by the 10th of the month, start on the 1st of the next.
- Funded student: please check the next enrolment deadline and course start date.
Credit cannot be granted for Psychology 304 if credit has already been granted for Athabasca University’s Psychology 404 or Social Science 366. Considerable overlap exists between this course and Social Science 366: Research Methods in the Social Sciences. The emphasis of Psychology 304, however, is on discussing research methods in the context of psychology. Program students are advised to take MATH 215 concurrently with, before, or soon after taking this course.
PSYC 304 has a challenge for credit option.
Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized study counterparts.
Opened in Revision 5, June 8, 2023
Updated August 14, 2023
View previous revision