Computer Science (COMP) 617

Designing Real-time Software (Revision 4)



Delivery mode:

Individualized study online. Delivered via Brightspace.



Area of study:

Information Systems


Previous courses or experience in any one or more of the areas such as software system analysis and design, information system architecture and analysis, networking and internet application at various layers, or domain specific application systems relying on time-critical computing. Alternatively, we expect that students who want to enrol in COMP 617 could have completed any one or more of the courses, such as COMP 602, COMP 604, COMP 610, or other COMP course(s) in related areas. This course requires special permission of the course coordinator to register without the prerequisites. Completion of this course does not exempt students from completing the IS foundation or core prerequisites.




This is a graduate level course and students need to apply and be approved to one of the graduate programs or as a non-program School of Computing and Information Systems graduate student in order to take this course. Minimum admission requirements must be met. Undergraduate students who do not meet admission requirements will not normally be permitted to take this course.


Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized study counterparts.

Opened in Revision 4, December 11, 2024

Updated December 11, 2024