New secure browser will improve ProctorU exam invigilation at Athabasca University

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Students will need to use the secure Guardian browser for all online exams invigilated by ProctorU

It's getting easier to take an Athabasca University (AU) exam online with ProctorU!

Beginning June 10, 2024, all AU exams invigilated by ProctorU will use the secure Guardian browser, rather than relying on browser extensions. This will provide an improved and consistent ProctorU experience across all operating systems, more privacy, and better access to technical support.

"Right now, 90% of students choose ProctorU to invigilate their exams," said Degan Richards, coordinator for integrity, conduct, and invigilation. "With this update, the Guardian browser should provide a much more efficient and consistent student experience for those choosing to take their exams online."

Exam options at AU

Along with ProctorU, most AU exams can also be written with an AU-approved in-person invigilator. Students who prefer to have their exam invigilated in person will still be able to take their exam with any approved invigilator within AU's Exam Invigilation Network.

In addition to the approved invigilators across Canada, students can contact the exam unit for help finding an in-person invigilator near them.

Read about everything you need to know to take an invigilated AU exam.

With this update, the Guardian browser should provide a much more efficient and consistent student experience for those choosing to take their exams online.

Degan Richards, coordinator for integrity, conduct, and invigilation

What's changing with ProctorU?

The only change is that effective June 10, 2024, students will download the secure Guardian browser from Meazure Learning, and use that browser while writing exams invigilated by ProctorU.

How do I use the Guardian browser?

Once downloaded, the Guardian browser is installed the same as any app. Students then log in to ProctorU using their ProctorU credentials.

ProctorU provides a variety of resources for test-takers using the Guardian browser on its website that cover downloading and installing the browser, how to test your equipment, and what to expect on the day of your exam.

You can also review ProctorU's readiness guide for Athabasca University learners.

11 advantages of going back to school as a mature student

It's never too late to return to school. Mature students are in good company at AU, where the average age of an undergrad learner is 33. AU's Write Site shares why returning to school with some life experience can be a recipe for success.

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