ADMN 405: Virtual cooperative learning

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A traditional style co-op learning experience but all online and powered by artificial intelligence. Sound like the future? It is, and the Faculty of Business is offering it to senior-level undergraduate students.

ADMN 405 is artificial intelligence (AI) powered and will have you working with a small cohort of your fellow students to apply your business knowledge and skills. It is AU's answer to the traditional cooperative program and instead of running for coffee, you'll be making big business decisions.

Three simulations to choose from!

You can work in one of three different simulations for the September 2022 intake: a chartered bank in financial services, a large consulting company in their digital transformation unit, or a large Canadian construction company. You will decide on your first day of the course. More information can be found on the ADMN 405 syllabus page.

Regardless of the simulation you pick, you will be in a supportive and engaging environment with a small group of peer learners and an invested, connected professor. On successful completion of the course, students will be eligible for reference letters from the professor teaching the course.

Fulfilling requirements?

ADMN 405 is also a requirement if you are a student that has applied since January 2019 in our Bachelor of Management four-year program or Bachelor of Commerce four-year program. If you applied before January 2019, you should still consider taking this course.

Connect with one of the Faculty of Business's student advisors if you have any questions about how this course fits within your program's requirements.

Register today for ADMN 405

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