Athabasca University Nurse Practitioner Program is first post-secondary program to be accredited by CASN

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On June 29, 2020, Athabasca University (AU) proudly became the first post-secondary institution to have a Nurse Practitioner (NP) program accredited by Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) Nurse Practitioner Accreditation Bureau.

This accreditation helps validate the credibility of AU's Nurse Practitioner Programs and ensures a strong program for students, along with Nursing Education Program Approval Committee (NEPAC) provincial approval.

"CASN sets the national accreditation standards for schools of nursing," said Kimberly Lamarche, Nurse Practitioner Program Director at AU. "We are very proud to be accredited and continue to provide this level of excellence to our learners."

According to CASN, accreditation is recognized worldwide as an important, objective method to assess professional education programs. Becoming accredited also helps identify strengths and opportunities for improvement that can guide decision making.

CASN sets the national accreditation standards for schools of nursing. We are very proud to be accredited and continue to provide this level of excellence to our learners.

Kimberly Lamarche, Nurse Practitioner Program Director at Athabasca University

The Post-LPN Bachelor of Nursing, Post-RN Bachelor of Nursing, and Master of Nursing: Nurse Practitioner have all been accredited by CASN.

"We learned many things about the program throughout the process that will enable us to make positive changes moving forward," said Lamarche. "We're very excited about the future of these programs and the many opportunities available to our learners as a result."

To learn more about nursing at AU, visit the Faculty of Health Disciplines webpage.

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