AU professor launches Asian Gold Ribbon Campaign

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With the tragic reality of anti-Asian hate crimes on the rise, Athabasca University (AU) Professor and psychologist Dr. Gina Wong is taking a stand.

Wong has launched the Asian Gold Ribbon Campaign, aimed at raising funds and recruiting individuals, organizations, and communities to demonstrate solidarity against anti-Asian racism and to support the mental health of victims and survivors.

Rooted from her own experiences of racism throughout her life, Wong has recognized that these experiences are seldom talked about, and much invisibility exists at a systemic level.

"This campaign is inspiring outward expression of Asians, so we no longer suppress our voices," she said. "We need to be visible, and we need to be seen. We need social change and the Asian Gold Ribbon Campaign is a place to unite and celebrate Asian heritage and culture, and show solidarity against anti-Asian racism."

Wong is supported by Teresa Woo-Paw, a Canadian politician, former Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, and chair of the following foundations: Canadian Race Relations Foundation, the ACCT Foundation, and the Asian Heritage Foundation board. The Honourable Irwin Cotler, the former Canadian Minister of Justice and founder of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights (RWCHR), has also expressed his support.

The Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights is proud to support the Asian Gold Ribbon Campaign, particularly as we bear witness to a disturbing rise in anti-Asian racism both in Canada and abroad. We condemn anti-Asian racism in all its forms and stand in solidarity with the Asian Gold Ribbon Campaign.

Honourable Irwin Cotler, former Canadian Minister of Justice and Founder of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights

Famous actor Samuel L. Jackson has also expressed his support of the campaign and they are just getting started.

Wong has also been able to raise nearly $2,000 in donations. Funds raised will go towards the campaign itself, as well as development of essential mental-health programs and services for Asian well-being, particularly for victims and survivors of anti-Asian racism. Donations can be made directly on the Asian Gold Ribbon donation website.

Over the last month, she has been featured on several local and national TV broadcasts discussing the tragic increase of anti-Asian hate crimes. She's spoken about the impact it is having on Asian communities, her own personal experiences, discussed how parents can educate and speak to their children, and provided ways to be an ally to those facing hate and discrimination. Recently, she had the opportunity to speak with host Annette Hamm on CHCH Morning Live about the Asian Gold Ribbon Campaign.

Gina Wong on CHCH morning live
Dr. Gina Wong on CHCH Morning Live speaking about the Asian Gold Ribbon Campaign.

Wong also appeared in an episode of Context Beyond the Headlines called Stop Asian Hate where she talks about the current state of emergency, the psychological impact, and how further education on racism is essential. Her article to kick off Asian Heritage month and the Asian Gold Ribbon campaign will come out in the Conversation next week.

How can you show your support?

yellow canary AGR logo and ribbon

Thursday, May 20, 2021 is the inaugural Asian Gold Ribbon Day, corresponding with Asian Heritage Month. A virtual campaign will coincide with this day to amplify solidarity against anti-Asian racism and to celebrate Asian heritage and culture.

To show support, Wong is encouraging allies to wear a gold ribbon or a mask, add the insignia to your email signature, or update your profile photo frame on social media.

She said Asians and non-Asians adorning gold ribbons demonstrates courage and unity to stand up against anti-Asian racism. It is an outward expression signifying pride in Asian heritage and culture. Watch the video below to learn how to make your own gold ribbon.

AGR Day: Upcoming event information

Let's Talk Webinar

ACT2ENDRACISM: Let's Talk Webinar

Support the Asian Gold Ribbon (AGR) Campaign on May 20 from 1-3 p.m. MDT by attending a panel discussion, including the Human Rights Commissioner of Canada, moderated by Teresa Woo-Paw, the founder of Action, Chinese Canadians Together (ACCT).

Asian Gold Ribbon logo

Asian Gold Ribbon East Asian Youth Summit

Join Dr. Gina Wong and Liam Olsen after the Let's Talk webinar, from 3:30-5 p.m., for the Asian Gold Ribbon East Asian Youth Summit including a panel of youth across Canada talking about their experiences, concerns, realities, as well as ideas for change.

They will speak with the Minister of Diversity, Inclusivity, and Youth and Deputy Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, among others honorable guests.

Show your support of this important initiative, launched by AU faculty member, Dr. Gina Wong. More information and links to resources and Asian Gold Ribbon merchandise can be found on the Asian Gold Ribbon website.

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