The Hub Moving education online

Athabasca University’s (AU) team that teach and work on the Master of Education in Distance Education and Doctor of Education in Distance Education programs are leaders in their field. The team has been working hard to create a curated resource hub for emergency remote teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic response.

“Athabasca University faculty and staff represent decades of research and practice in alternative forms of education delivery,” says Dr. Martha Cleveland-Innes, Professor and Program Director with AU’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. “These alternative forms must meet the criteria of accessible, high quality, and affordable learning opportunities. We are pleased to share these curated resources with those pivoting to emergency remote teaching and learning.”

We have been hearing that learners, parents, and educators are looking for information from trusted sources to help them navigate moving to fully online learning.

On this site, you will find a number of different resources tailored to K-12 students and parents, K-12 teachers and administrators, and those who work in higher education. The resources found on the site have been curated by the team.

“While not necessarily mimicking pedagogies and processes found in current online and distance education, this adjustment to remote teaching and learning can be supported by some of the same tools and techniques,” says Cleveland-Innes.

The team created this site and will continue to update as a response to supporting parents and educators during the COVID-19 pandemic. This site also has links to the three Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that we also are offering during this time.

It is AU’s hope that these resources will help to support learners, parents, and educators through the move to online. Even though the move to emergency remote teaching has been abrupt, this site and its resources is meant to help learners, parents, and educators to overcome challenges and to experience the benefits to fully online learning.

“Athabasca University’s resource site, Moving Education Online, is meant to support current necessary education changes and any future moves toward online and distance education,” says Cleveland-Innes. “Special thanks to all faculty and staff who made this site possible, especially Connie Yuen, Dan Wilton, Carmen Jensen-Tebb, Nathaniel Ostashewski, and Connie Blomgren.”

Please share these free resources with anybody who may benefit from them or need a bit of support during this time.

  • May 1, 2020
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online learning,