The Hub Getting university credit for a MOOC?

Getting university credit for a MOOC?

Athabasca University and Synergia Institute are working on a collaborative initiative: An exciting pilot massive-open online course (MOOC)!

Towards Cooperative Commonwealth: Transition in a Perilous Century seeks to break new ground in educating for change and community engagement in a number of new ways.

And, you could get university credit for it!

More on this pilot MOOC

This MOOC grew out of a multi-year Canadian research program that investigated the Canadian and international social and solidarity economies. As part of this, Athabasca University’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) program have agreed to pilot the evaluation of the performance of participants who want to receive university credits for their work in this MOOC.

What's this MOOC all about?

Today, political, economic, social, and ecological crises are deepening, putting life at risk on a global level. Many are working toward solutions that are socially just and ecologically sound. Advocacy for a new economics is growing. But as calls for systems change grow, we often work in silos and are unaware of each other’s thinking, tools and strategies. Too often, we are missing opportunities to work together.

As practitioners and community educators looking to pool ideas, methods, and efforts, we’ve developed a MOOC—a place filled with contemporary content where like-minded people can come together to discuss and strategize systems change. And we want you to join us.

How to sign up

Signing up is easy!

On this page, you’ll find the enrol button, course description, and all the other important details.

Read the fine print

Successful applicants will register as non-program students in the MAIS (application fees are waived for the pilot).

If successful in the MOOC, they would receive three graduate credits (5XX) in the Community Studies or Global Studies streams of the MAIS program. These will appear as PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment) credits.

They can be applied to any future application to study for the MAIS program at Athabasca University. MAIS has an open admission policy.

Alternatively, you may simply wish your achievement (three graduate credits at the MA level on the official university transcript) to denote a professional achievement to show a current or future employer.

Those participants interested in university credit will be required to submit a portfolio of their performance in this MOOC. Dr. Michael Gismondi of the MAIS program will conduct the evaluation on a pass/fail basis.

The evaluation process will cost $269 CAD to cover administration.

Current AU MAIS students: For this pilot, applications from current MAIS students are restricted to no more than six applicants who must be studying in the MAIS Global Studies or Community Studies streams.

Have questions?

For more information, please contact our MAIS Office.

  • May 1, 2019
Tagged In:
learners, mais, MOOC,