The Hub Fred Enns—Powered up by education

Fred Enns—Powered up by education

Fred Enns, Master of Business Administration, 2004
Based in: Pickering, Ont.

Fred Enns had spent his post-university years loading up on night courses and continuing education, hoping to develop his mind, as well as his career. In 2001, he saw an article in a small Ontario newspaper about Athabasca University’s MBA program, and decided to apply with the goal of growing his business acumen. At Athabasca University (AU), he felt like he had found a 2nd home, connecting with peers from other industries, and learning to look at business problems from different perspectives. He liked it so much that he stayed on after graduation, working for AU as director of finance and operations.

Athabasca University Shield

The Hub

You started your studies at Athabasca University in 2002. What brought you here?

I had studied sports management in college, but then I spent the next decades furthering my education. I did a lot of night school, completing courses in economics, law, and accounting. Then, in 2001, I saw an article in an Ontario newspaper about AU, and decided to apply. At the time, I was working as a director for a small pharmaceutical company. I wanted to advance my career and my education.

Fred Enns, MBA '04

Athabasca University Shield

The Hub

Why did AU appeal to you?

I was working in Texas, commuting between Austin and Collingwood, Ont. That meant I couldn’t go to a fixed school. At the same time, I was on a visa and I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep renewing it. I wanted to be able to move forward when I came back to Canada. It was 2002, so we were working on dial-up Internet. That presented certain challenges, but I never questioned the value of the program.

Fred Enns, MBA '04

Athabasca University Shield

The Hub

What were some of your favourite courses at AU?

I loved the statistics course, and learning the tools to complete a statistical analysis. I also appreciated the human resources courses, marketing, and finance for managers. Because I was in Texas, near the Mexican border, I was able to do some projects on cross-border trade with Mexico. I learned a lot about the auto industry and the development of manufacturing plants in Mexico to support the American market. I loved those unique experiences.

Fred Enns, MBA '04

Athabasca University Shield

The Hub

What kinds of people did you meet while doing the program?

There was a huge variety of people. One woman was a registered nurse who worked as a researcher for the pharmaceutical company Apotex. Another guy worked in the IT industry. They all had different perspectives. A few times, I was lucky enough to do a couple of in-house courses at the AU campus in Alberta. That was a great experience.

Fred Enns, MBA '04

Athabasca University Shield

The Hub

What were your main takeaways from the program?

The main thing I learned was the ability to look at a problem from different perspectives: to learn how the same problem looks different to an HR person, or a financial person, or a marketing person. I also loved the format. If you’re in a classroom and you make a point, it drifts into the air. Online, there’s a hard copy record of everything you say.

Fred Enns, MBA '04

Athabasca University Shield

The Hub

What did you do after graduation?

I graduated from the program in 2004, when I was looking to move back to Canada. Right around the same time, I heard that AU was seeking a director of finance and operations in Alberta. They flew me back for two days of interviews and I got the gig.

I’d worked in a similar position before, and I had the added knowledge of the program. It was one of the best jobs I ever had. A dream job. While I was there, I worked with the professors and university administration, sat on different committees. I believed in the quality of the product, and I hope I had an impact there. I only stayed 2 years because my parents, in Ontario, were having health issues and I wasn’t able to keep flying back and forth.

Fred Enns, MBA '04

Athabasca University Shield

The Hub

So what was your next move?

In 2006, I started as the manager of controls of the Pickering Nuclear Generation Stations. I manage a team of 18 analysts in Pickering and Darlington and at the Bruce Power site. I encourage continuing education among all my staff. My experience at AU was such a positive one.

Fred Enns, MBA '04

Athabasca University Shield

The Hub

And how do you use those skills you learned in your everyday life?

At AU, you’re held accountable to other people and teamwork is a huge part of the process. You may be working with people in Asia or Europe, all with their own agendas and schedules. It was excellent training in dealing with remote teams, especially as we move toward digital communications.

Fred Enns, MBA '04

Learn more about Athabasca University’s Master of Business Administration.


  • September 1, 2019
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