The Hub New MOOC equips educators with skills to adapt to online teaching post-COVID

New MOOC equips educators with skills to adapt to online teaching post-COVID

Imagine you’re a teacher or professor in March 2020. Thanks to the pandemic, you’re suddenly thrown into teaching online without proper resources or training, trying to manage a group of students with different learning needs and comfort levels in virtual spaces.

Challenges like these led Athabasca University and Commonwealth of Learning to partner in creating a new massive open online course (MOOC) called Leading Change in Teaching and Learning for a Digital World.

The free course runs March 27 to April 24, 2022.

“Athabasca University faculty and staff represent decades of research and practice in alternative forms of education delivery,” said Dr. Martha Cleveland-Innes, professor of open, digital, and distance education with AU’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. “These alternative forms must meet the criteria of accessible, high quality, and affordable learning opportunities.

A course for change leadership

With a focus on post-COVID education needs, the four-week course will cover the future of digital education, how technology-enabled teaching and learning works, and how to develop leadership plans to create change within the participants organizations.

Those working within the education sphere—from teachers to administrators across all levels are encouraged to register in the course. It’s designed to help support individuals looking for innovative ways to bring technology into education.

Long-standing partnership with Commonwealth of Learning

Mishra said the new MOOC builds on a successful partnership with AU to build capacity among educators and administrators to offer quality technology-enabled learning opportunities.

Together, AU and the Commonwealth of Learning have developed several successful MOOCs that have attracted over 25,000 participants. Previous offerings include Introduction to Technology-Enabled Learning and Blended Learning Practice.

Register for Leading Change in Teaching and Learning for a Digital World.

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  • March 14, 2022
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MOOC, online learning,