Fee summary
Course fees are all-inclusive, and are calculated by combining the tuition fee, course administration and technology fee, and Students’ Union and Alumni Relations fees. If applicable, the course materials fee and the out-of-country fee or the out-of-province fee, may also be charged. Academic-related fees are exempt from the federal Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.). Other goods are not G.S.T. exempt. Fees are listed and payable in Canadian dollars.
The payment of student fees entitles you to receive most learning resources and other support services (including tutorial assistance where provided) for the period of active registration.
Students attending Athabasca University grouped study courses at collaborating institutions may be assessed tuition and fees that vary from those established within this Calendar. Those students should contact an academic advisor or the Office of the Registrar at the collaborating institution.
Students are responsible for any expenses incurred when writing an examination. Most invigilators request a fee to invigilate examinations. Invigilation centers may also charge a fee if you cancel or reschedule your examination.
Effective dates
The following fee schedule applies to students who are registering in courses that have a September 1, 2024 or later start date, unless otherwise stated.
Updated March 25, 2025 by Office of the Registrar (calendar@athabascau.ca)