AU Classification and Retention Schedule (Draft)

The Athabasca University Classification and Retention Schedule (AUCRS) is meant to provide staff with the means to determine how long active records should be kept in offices, when records should be transferred to inactive records storage and what the final disposition of the records will be, either destruction or transfer to the Archives.

If your records have reached their inactive status and can be transferred to the AU Record Centre (AURC) for storage, see our Inactive Storage page for steps on how to transfer them.

If you have any questions about the retention requirements of records, contact Heather McPherson at

Retention and disposition is determined by legislative, fiscal and operational regulations and through consultation with departments. The information on this page is a DRAFT only; a comprehensive review is in progress. Please follow the draft in the interim until a final Schedule is provided.

The retentions listed below are for the Primary Recordkeeper (office of record). For all Secondary Recordkeepers (copies) the retention for all records is CY+1, 0, DE.


Updated January 10, 2025 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (