Ms. Jacqueline Hobal, Public Member

Jacqueline (Jackie) Hobal, an experienced educator, administrator and leader in public education, has worked across the Province in a variety of roles. She has a B.ED and Graduate Diplomas in Curriculum, Leadership and Change Theory.  In her role as a school administrator, she developed innovative strategies for the integration of information and communication technologies.  Partnerships with Apple Canada resulted in her schools being known as a ‘hub(s)’ for learning and innovation.    Throughout her career, Jackie taught at the University of Alberta, and Concordia University.  The U of A’s ATEP (Aboriginal Teacher Education Program) brought her into a number of Northern Communities.

A Rotarian for more than 30 years, she has served in leadership positions in her local communities (Athabasca and Edmonton) and through her work in leadership development and training, she has developed a network of business and professional leaders across Canada and USA.   Jackie’s focus revolves around International service, Rotary’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy, developing young leaders and peace education.  Jackie recently served on the Bid Committee to bring the Rotary International Convention to Calgary in 2025.

Jackie and her husband now spend their time between Edmonton and their lake home in the County of Athabasca. 

Updated May 04, 2022 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (